Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Crazy Kid

My daughter was in Bible school a few weeks back. One of the things they were doing was making homemade cards for soldiers.

Inside the card she wrote, "Good News! You’re still alive!"

This is the same kid that when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she responded with, "A banana or a Rainbow Maker."

I love it. A little ray of sunshine in a rainy world.


Steve Morrison said...

That's hilarious...Good to see you alive and well in the e-world

G-man said...

Hey it's my cousin! Good to see you here. Thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Love it. I've never thought of being fruit when I grow up...I'll probably be a vegetable though when I'm 90 or so.

ibid said...

I had similar aspirations.

Jake said...

LOL...oh man. I miss your kids man...they make me laugh.

G-man said...


Reminds me of someone who would dig up bones and such when she was a little girl.

G-man said...


I'll bet you did.

G-man said...

Dr. Thornock,

My kids miss you too. Can't wait to see you.

JT42 said...

Very funny! Tell everyone hi, we miss you all

G-man said...

Jake & Teressa,

We miss you right back!