Thursday, September 06, 2007

An ode to Whodoggy and Ibid

This song reminded me of you two. Since you goofs are the same age, and have a lot of the same tastes which are tragically acoustic.


ibid said...

great tune. tragically he chose to play it with a Taylor, but this doesn't detract from the quality of the song. I have never heard it, so thanks for the expansion.

Thanks for the ode. If I could find a song dipped purely in electric guitar gold that lasted 18.5 minutes, 17 of which were a guitar solo played with fiery fingers backed strongly by drumming of celestial quality i would post you an ode not soon forgotten. Alas, I don't know if such a song would not me. You'll have to post your own ode.

Jake said...

Here we go with the Taylor-haters. It's true that some of the magic is lost when a Luthier becomes a CEO...but these guitars are players---which is why DG chose to bust a distortion-cap is our arses.

The song could, however, been improved by a BC Rich Warlock and a blonde wig. Thanks for the post. For some more amazing acoustic jiggery, please check out Andy McKee or Don Ross.

G-man said...

Thanks for the complement and the imaginary ode. I do appreciate it. As far as the Martin-Taylor conflict, I choose Washburn.

G-man said...

Dr. Thornock,

Good point about DG busting the distortion cap. Your Taylor is a fine instrument. Your Martin was too.

However, I am fond of old Epiphone's. In fact, I thought at one time that one of us might inherit one. Hint, hint Poppy. Alas, it became pawn shop fodder the last I heard.

Oh well, as I wrote previously, I choose Washburn.