The Professor and Z-man have really gotten me back into video games. It is that damnable Halo! I have gotten myself addicted, and I have drug my family along for the ride.
I have always had an infatuation with video games. My uncles had an Atari 2600 and I spent countless hours fighting with my Ida-bros just to have a chance to play such classics as Pac-man, Pitfall, and Empire Strikes Back. At about this time I and a few other grandkids unearthed an odd Pong system at another set of Grandparents. Hours were consumed on Pong. Then my Momma married Beach Grandpa. Lo and behold! He also had an Atari 2600 that we abused until the power supply input broke off inside of the case. I always managed to find a console at the D.I. and we played many a game of Combat, Asteroids, Circus, Breakout, & Snoopy and the Red Baron. Good times.
My infatuation led to a fascination with computers and later I was playing such greats as Castle Wolfenstein, Dune II, Doom, & Blood. I miss the days of playing from a 5 1/4" floppy! Along came the arduous task known as college and my gaming days were few and far between. All the while, The Professor was tempting me with his N64, Dreamcast, and Xbox. Then I traded a fishing rod for an Xbox. Now I find that a night without at least one round of Dr. Mario on the old game box is a wasted evening. My wife and I refer to it as my "Halo Therapy."
At any rate, a coworker, who shall remain nameless, addicted me to Guitar Hero. It did not help matters that The Professor brought his version of this game during his last jaunt here. My wife, bless her brown little soul, was hopelessly addicted as well. The Professor returned to his castle in Academia, and we had no more Guitar Hero.
Alas! I heard a rumor that one of my scouts had a broken PS2. This was good...because I can fix broken. After a little horse trading, I held in my manly, fat hand one beat up, slightly grimy PS2 Slim. A little solder, some research, some more research, an internet order, some patience, and a little elbow grease was all it took to have this baby playing again. Now the Goddess and I can play Guitar Hero to our hearts content. The kids eat cereal every night, but they’ll last until this obsession runs its course.
The unit all bare naked and stuff, ready for repair.
One of the offending items. The laser assembly. Notorious for failing in the Slim models. It is highly unlikely that this whole unit is bad, I may install just the laser and keep this assembly as a spare.
And we all lived happily ever after.
I've lost friendships & contact with the outside world due to this new obsession. I find myself going to bed late, & not getting enough sleep. I'm always on the edge & snappy the next morning.
To be (somewhat) "tolerable" & functional the morning after, I've committed to a simple plan:
- don't answer the phone
- cancel morning groups
- skip church meetings &
- have kids skip preschool
- no dance classes
A few casualties & sacrifices had to be made to assure myself a power nap to enable me to stay focused when I play you at night.
I'm always up for another round of competition, name calling, backbiting, & giggles with you.
I'm really glad that y'all are enjoying playing together. I love video games...they will be one of my addictions for years to come. Can't wait for you to get a 360!!
You have heard your master's call.
now hear this: 360.
It has been a lot of fun. Relearning to play with you.
"I get the joy of rediscovering you..."
This has been one of the funnest times of my short life. You are my favorite person to play with, tee hee hee hee.
I miss you here at work.
Professor & Ibid,
Yes, yes, I give in, now I just have to bend my will towards the 360. Bend your will towards it as well.
So, I've been blocked from the internet as we discussed. The hospital cracked my hack on the wireless network and put a cork on me reading whats up with the family save JR's. Love the Halo Therapy, did dad lots of good during his down times. 360, is it even possible to upgrade? I'll ask Dave, but one in the future cant be to far a dream. My friend Trent bought his wife the new "Paridise" race game thingy for the 360 and he has had no food, clean laundry, or time to shoot a few things up. word of warning to you guys. One more thing, Call of duty 4! Go play it.
I'll figure out some way to stay live with the blogs. Until then, GAME ON!
Thanks BJ
Glad that you found a way to leave comments here. The 360 is on its way....somehow. I am using "the secret" and so it is bound to happen.
I have heard that Call of Duty 4 is most addicting. We shall see.
Word of wise to "the Secret" it will drive you mad.
Big J,
Too late, I have the offending item set up and am playing to my hearts content.
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