Thursday, May 01, 2008

What Shall I Do?

It is time for my annual "big concert."

Which one should I attend?

I am thinking of The Police, Journey, or Candlebox. I am steering towards Journey, as The Goddess told me she would go with me.

If there are others in the Salt Lake area, that you think I would like, let me know.

If only King’s X or King Crimson were touring.


ibid said...

ummmmmm Candlebox? Over The Police or Journey? you should really only have 2 choices.

there i said it.

Anonymous said...

i vote journey.

Anonymous said...

Papi, let's just go to both. If you get one concert, then I get one too! There, problem solved!

G-rant said...

Miley Cyrus, Stadium of Fire - I heard it's going to be off the hook.

G-man said...


Yes Candlebox. In a tiny venue and at the value price of 10$. That would be an awesome show.

I might just go anyway.

Anonymous said...

well when you throw miley cyrus in to the combo pack it makes for a hard deciscion. But I do say if you go to journey I would meet you and Eliosa there!!! This is your wee lil sis.
I came, I read, I contributed. Happy?

G-man said...


You are a woman.

G-man said...


We'll see. Frankly, I am leaning towards The Police.

G-man said...


Thanks for the Miley Cyrus heads up. Did you know that New Kids on the Block have a new CD.

Be still my beating heart.

G-man said...

Ashlee poo,

Thanks so much for the comment darlin'. I had no idea that you liked Journey. You have made the decision a little harder.

Will you be in the country during thier concert?

Jake said...

Police, hands down. Though for $10, Candlebox would be weeeell worth it. I do see, however, that Dave Matthews is coming to town. He's always a little pricey, but for my money, I'd chose him over all those listed above.

Nancy said...

Police for sure, though I do admit I am a Journey fan as well.

G-man said...


I like Dave Matthews more than I should, but I just don't think that I would enjoy the atmosphere of thier concert. It is wierd enough going to a concert and watching old stoners do the electric guitar-keyboards-drums stoned/drunk dance. I think a group of college dorks dancing around to the laid back acoustic rhythms of Dave would be more than I would be comfortable with. There is just not enough salt in that crowd...if you catch my drift.

I would love to watch Carter though....

G-man said...


You and I are in agreeance. I think, barring financial difficulties, that it will be The Police.

Kelli France said...

You've probably made up your mind by now but I have a suggestion. I heard that New Kids on the Block are going on tour again. Just consider it. I am still hoping that you will someday appreciate fake drumming from an electric piano ;0)

G-man said...


The Police have come and gone. Alas, I am working 2 jobs right now. concerts for me.

I actually have to give the New Kids props for touring and regrouping. One of them suffers from extreme anxiety, so I actually think he is a trooper.